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Which White Noise Machine Is Right For You?

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Which White Noise Machine Is Right For You?

04/20/24 08:34 am
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If you have a new baby you will most likely be trying to figure out when will you sleep again.

Part of a sleep routine is keeping the room dark, swaddling baby up snuggly, and putting on a sound machine to lull them to sleep.

If you're confused about which sound machine to buy, here are some that caught our eye from the vast options.



Best Basic Budget

This is your pick for bare bones basic. Choose from 5 noises such as waterfall, beach waves, or rainstorm, and turn it on with a button. Use a plug or batteries. A decent option without all the bells and whistles.




Best Portable Sound Machine

This tiny one 




Best App Enabled Machine




Best Shushing Sound




Best Natural Sound Machine

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